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Publication Issue Title
Partecipazione e conflitto Vol. 7, No. 2 (2014). Special issue: Statistics and Activism Statistics and political violence: Reflections on the Social Conflict in 2009 in Guadeloupe Details  PDF
Samuel Boris

Community psychology in global perspective Vol 5, No 1 (2019): Community Psychology in Global Perspective - Special Issue: Emerging challenges of European Community Psychology Community-oriented Service-Learning: A university experience for preventing cannabis abuse in vulnerable adolescents and young people Details  PDF
Isabel María Herrera-Sánchez, Samuel Rueda-Méndez, Silvia Medina-Anzano

Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis Vol 11, No 1 (2018): Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis On using the distribution of Cook-Weisberg statistic and identification of influential observations Details  pdf
David Sam Jayakumar, Sulthan A, Samuel W

Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis Vol 12, No 2 (2019): Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis High performance of professional basketball play- ers and the settings to measure their regularity: evidence from the Spanish ACB League Details  pdf
Román Salmerón, Samuel Gomez-Haro

LEbiotec VI edizione. Abstract Book LEbiotec - Abstract Book. VI Edizione Harnessing the potential of Genome Editing in Wheat  PDF
Andrea Tafuri, Samuel Palombieri, Francesco Sestili, Angelo Santino, Giovanni Mita, Ermelinda Botticella

H-ermes. Journal of Communication N. 14 (2019) - Narrazioni Il mio corpo che cambia. Tra costruzione e smantellamento, lo spazio suburbano come paesaggio fisico, sociale e psicologico della Cina nel cinema di Jia ZhangKe = My body is changing. Between construction and destruction, the urban space as physical, social and psychological Chinese landscape in Jia ZhangKe’s cinema" Details  PDF
Samuel Antichi

Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis Vol 6, No 2 (2013): Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis A Marginalized Model for Zero-Inflated, Overdispersed, and Correlated Count Data Details  pdf
Geert Molenberghs, Samuel Iddi

1 - 7 of 7 Items

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  • Search for an exact phrase by putting it in quotes; e.g., "open access publishing"
  • Exclude a word by prefixing it with - or NOT; e.g. online -politics or online NOT politics
  • Use * in a term as a wildcard to match any sequence of characters; e.g., soci* morality would match documents containing "sociological" or "societal"

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